1 January 2025

Not Going Out

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I was due to meet up with a friend for dinner, but she had to cancel, which left me with a free evening. Daylight was fading fast (not that there was much of it to begin with), so I collected my camera and waterproof trousers and went to visit the ewes at Ballyhafry instead.

I took some photos of the sheep by the feeder.


Even though I was keeping my distance and using a zoom lens, the ewes were cautious.


Clementine (the black sheep) with a few friends.



The sheep then startled - either it was my standing up, or the popping of my knees as I did so. I followed them at a distance. Looking over the wall into the next field, I could see Daisy.

And in the field was Gertie (brown face with grey nose, centre).

And here's Martha.


Sooty is remaining elusive, but I managed to get this picture of him. Still a very handsome young man.

Some more sheepy faces.

And there, in the crowd, was Hazel.
Daisy doing her most majestic posing.
Hazel again.
The light was almost completely gone, so I returned to the Land Cruiser and Susan, who was waiting for me with great patience and understanding.
(We did go and get a hot chocolate and a puppuccino after this, so all was well in the end.)

29 December 2024

Fly and the Cone of Shame

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Poor Fly started losing a lot of weight and having runny poos all the time. Off to the vet we went. She was checked over, had bloods taken, had an ultrasound, and there was something odd about her womb. An infection was suspected, so we were sent home with antibiotics over the weekend so we could get her checked again on Monday. Her mood improved over the weekend, and so on Monday she was declared well enough to be spayed/have some exploratory surgery. Her intestines were badly inflamed, so medication was swapped again. As she recovered, Fly was to wear The Cone of Shame.

Fly was a very good sport about the whole thing, standing patiently for the few ultrasounds she ended up having. She also never lost heart, always friendly, and ate her tablets wrapped in ham with great enthusiasm.

She remained her friendly self, even if The Cone of Shame made things awkward.

She was also to rest up while she got over her surgery. She loved getting to wander around the yard occasionally.

We were all worried about Fly, but she seems to be doing better now. She has put on a little weight, is still eating. The wound is healing well, The Cone of Shame removed. She finished her course of antibiotics on Christmas Eve, so now we're just waiting to see how she does without them.

Hopefully she'll be back to rounding up sheep soon.

24 December 2024

Frosty Breakfast

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It was a frosty breakfast for the lambs. We still have lots to sell, hopefully we'll be getting that sorted in the new year. In the meantime, that means we have to keep up with breakfast. The boys get theirs first. Poppy helps... sort of.


Then it was the girls' turn.

They have a lovely view with their breakfast.

Susan was with us too. Trying to get that team photo.


Got there in the end! It's Christmas Eve as I write this - I hope you have a lovely Christmas if you celebrate.

20 December 2024

Sunday Afternoon Walkies

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Blue Belle moved to her winter pasture about a month ago. I feel a bit sorry for her down here, at the bottom of a field. Unlike the garden where she spends her summer, she can't watch cars or tractors coming and going in the yard. But it is a great place for her in terms of winter grass so here she is. The dogs and I took her out for a walk one Sunday afternoon.

She was happy to see us.

But she was even happier to eating some of that fresh grass.

As usual, Jess was very busy keeping Blue Belle in line - a completely unnecessary job that Jess takes completely seriously.

While I was taking photos of Blue Belle and Jess, I felt something on my foot. It was Fly, being her cute self.

The poor girl has been a bit under the weather recently, and actually went in for an operation the day after I took this photo. It's been a few weeks now, and she seems to be getting back to herself. Fingers crossed she keeps improving.

Jess stops her Very Important Circling for no health updates.

The other dogs were busy having fun.

Blue Belle had fun too. Jess didn't seem to be making her dizzy.