14 March 2010

Manual Scanning

Yesterday, my Dad decided to find out which ewes were in lamb and which weren't, because he was fed up (and frankly we all were) of feeding these fifty or so ewes without really knowing what's what. To find out what's what, my Dad needed to feel each ewe's udder, to check for firmness or enlargement. Fly and Sheila were only too happy to help.

Fly knows how to deal with angry ewes.

And Sheila just wants to be friends.

They both did their job well, and I was proud of Sheila.

Ahh! She has the camera of doom!

This ewe didn't like the thought of 'Manual Scanning'.

Sheila likes the thought of 'Manual Scanning' and watches everything.

These were the untested ewes.

These ones were in lamb.

And these ones weren't. Poor girls. It's the saleyard for you.

Sheila was given the delicate job of bringing the pregnant ewes back into the sheds.

When that job was done, we went off to look at the other sheep and their lambs.

There was a new lamb (click on picture to enlarge).

And Sheila isn't tired at all!

All of that left us with 26 ewes left to lamb, but then a ewe had a lamb at night, so that left 25.

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