28 November 2010

Santa’s Little Helpers

It’s now less than a month until Christmas, so Santa and his helpers must be busy.

One of his helpers is known as Ben the Sprollie.

He’s the best at making a mess in Santa’s workshop.

But one of the little helpers is unsure at what to do. What is Christmas anyways?
Santa's helper

Does it involve food?

This is going to be Pip’s first Christmas, and Ben’s first Christmas with us. I wonder what December will bring..?

Food. It’s gotta be food.



  1. Santa must be very glad to have Ben and lil Pip as his helpers!

  2. Those pictures are too cute. Best looking helpers I have ever seen.

  3. Love your hat, Ben! You make a very cute elf!

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Ben! You look so handsome in that elf hat! I think you are right--food is the BEST.

    Thanks for the info about the animated snow. Another reason why I sometimes don't like Wordpress! Too bad the URL has been taken in Blogger.....

  5. Woof! Woof! How Cute!!! Just got back from a holiday break. FYI: sent you an email for Ben's B-day. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Thanks for the Blogger info. I've been really considering moving.

  7. Ben looks so mature now, and does.not.look.amused!
    Pip looks like a perfect elf:)

  8. You two are so cute in your Santa hats! And I have it on good advice from five Huskies, that yes, indeed, Christmas means food and toys and fun for all furbabies! So sweet dreams of the big day!

  9. Hello! We just came across your blog over at Clive'. We have never met any sprollies before! We hope to come and visit often!

    From Tommy (the springer), Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and Bibi-Chan (the cats) and their #1 in France

  10. Santa is one lucky dude to have two such handsome and eager helpers...hope he has food!

  11. Hey Everyone!
    I saw you are new to following me, so I wanted to follow you too! Now we can be friends. You are very, very cute in your hats! Love the pix. I'm positive that food will be involved in the next holiday...it sure was here this weekend since it was our Thanksgiving. Next month it'll be santa cookies, candy canes and anything else we can get our paws on!
    Grr and Woof,
