31 December 2010

Sheep, a Shiba Inu & Surprises

Kim’s off to work.

She enjoys that. We started Tuesday’s job with Fly, but she was staggering about, and hardly fit to run after the sheep. Then it finally hit my Dad – Fly was old. Far too old for major work anyway. So we took Kim with us instead. The job in question was to gather the ewes from our fields in Bryansford and “draw” them up to our main farm in the Land Rover and trailer. It is a long process. The sheep are gathered, then they are loaded into the trailer in lots of around 20. The trailer will only hold 20 adult sheep, so we have to take the ewes home in trailer loads of 20. Whenever you have nearly 200 ewes to bring home, it’s a long process. That’s why we need a good dog – to force the sheep into the trailer, not too tightly and not too loosely.

Kim enjoyed that job. One of Kim’s advantages is that she has a lot of power in her eyes. Whenever she stares at the sheep, they soon move. Once, a ewe pounced off of the trailer and ran down the ramp, heading straight for Kim. Kim just stood and stared, and the ewe turned around and ran back into the trailer as quickly as she came out.

On boxing day, the snow melted, leaving a lot of mud everywhere. No wonder the sheep pens were so muddy.

Another thing that Kim likes to do is creep up on the sheep. Closer…
dec-2010 (10)

And closer…
dec-2010 (12)

Then she just stares.
dec-2010 (11)

Huh? What was that? “Come bye” or “Away”?
dec-2010 (13)

During the 2 day sheep drawing job, I went to the local pet shop with Pip to get a new bowl for Fly (who at this point had stopped eating). Whenever we arrived, I got a surprise. Meet Toby:
dec-2010 (5)

He’s super cute 12-week-old Shiba Inu puppy from Omega Kennels. He was very jumpy, but the funny noises trick works every time.

Huh? What was that noise?
dec-2010 (7)

Toby has free roaming of the shop, and has a habit of stealing toys from the shelves!

Who could be angry at this little guy?
dec-2010 (8)

I hope to see him again soon.

Meanwhile, Pip had another go at riding on the quad. It was very windy.

But she still didn’t like it. Sigh.

Get me off this thing!

Fly Update: The new bowl did help encourage Fly to eat a little, but all she will eat is sausages and ham. We have tried many foods for her, but as yet we are unsuccessful in weaning her back onto her usual food. Fingers crossed she’s better soon.
And there’s ony one thing left to say…

Happy New Year!

From the Dogs of Greenhill Farm.


  1. Kim you are doing such a good job.. The mud must be the most fun.. hehe
    Pip you look like you are really enjoying that ride...
    Have a very Happy New Year...
    We are off to herd some sheep tomorrow.. Wooo Hoo

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie

  2. We are all crossing our paws for Fly.

    Toby is very cute indeed. Shiba Inus are great dogs who have real spirit.

    May 2011 bring all of you much happiness.

    Your Friends at
    The Poupounette

  3. Oh my...what a cutie pie Toby is!

    Pip is so cute on the ATV as well.

    Watching them actually herd is really neat to see. We are anxious to take Bokeh to dog camp and see how he does at herding this summer.

  4. Hummmm that Toby looks a bit like a Fox in the face.
    Nice work with the sheep. Very interesting.
    Happy New Year 2011. I hope all your dreams come true in this new year.

  5. Toby is adorable!! i've always had a little thing for shibas :) They are just too cute!!

    Oh poor Fly. She should have a well deserved rest.

  6. Give Fly a big hug from us.
    Pip and Kim are cute as ever. Kim looks like a great working dog.
    We wish you all a happy, healthy New Year!

  7. I think that second picture may be my all time favorite of Little Pip. Just adorable! I sure hope Fly is better soon!

    I you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year! Cheers!

    Your pal, Big Pip

  8. West would love some sheepies!! Happy new year to you too!!

  9. We wish you a great new year. We'd love to watch your dogs move sheep!


  10. Oh I'd do anything to get another puppy! Except all the work... Hehe.

    Wow - What beautiful pictures of Kim with the sheep. What an amazing dog. So smart..

    Happy New Years,


  11. Great post and photos, so lovely to see those active and innocent faces..

    pet beds
