30 January 2011

The Three Musketeers

On Monday, I finally got Sheila, Pip and Ben to tolerate each other.
24-27-01-11 (7)

We went to the field with them, so they had plenty of space to run. Not that they did much running.
24-27-01-11 (4)

I made them sit and stay instead, so I could get a photo.
24-27-01-11 (8)

24-27-01-11 (1)

24-27-01-11 (3)

Pip has gotten over her Ben fear. Sort of.
24-27-01-11 (5)

On the way back from the field, it was starting to get really dark.

But I still wasn’t satisfied with the photos I’d taken. So then I remembered something from back in November, when it was also getting dark. I used one of dad’s trailers as a platform for the dogs.
Snow 2010 (17)

Ben was too scared to move at the time.
Snow 2010 (15)

I never got a chance to post these photos, but I loved them.
Snow 2010 (14)

Snow 2010 (7)

But anyway, I found the trailer on the way back from the field, so I decided to have another trailer photoshoot, well aware that I was running out of daylight.

Once again, Ben was too scared to move.
24-27-01-11 (11)

But Pip and Sheila were unfazed.
24-27-01-11 (13)

I used my funny noises trick, and this is the result:
24-27-01-11 (12)

I really love this photo – it sums up their personalities very well.

Meanwhile, the lambing’s slowed down quite a lot. Some days there have been no lambs at all! Which is surprising, because the ewes look very close to lambing, don’t you think?

This ewe must think she’s a dog.

On Friday night, pet ewe Tilly (the old one) had a lamb. Here’s Tilly.

And here’s her latest lamb, a little ewe.
Tilly's Lamb

Isn’t she cute? I haven’t given her a name yet because I just can’t think of one – any suggestions?

Guess what? We’re Pet Blogs United’s Featured blogger! And we have a badge to prove it. See?
So hello to all of our new readers – nice to see you!



  1. Great shots of the troop! And what a sweet little ewe :D

    Waggin at ya,

  2. Great photos! And congrats on your feature, looks very nice. :)

  3. I love the photo of the three of them together. Little Pip is going to be bigger than Sheila pretty soon. And yes, that ewe definitely looks like she is ready to pop! Just love the pictures of all the little lambs!

    Your pal, BIG Pip

    P.S.: Be sure to check my blog tomorrow.

  4. I'd say that ewe is going to explode if she doesn't lamb soon!
    Love the pic on the trailer of all 3. I can never get my dogs to all look good at the same time. Maybe I need a trailer?

  5. Those are all great shots! I love the look on Ben's face--he looks like he'd been having a great time running!

  6. I've fallen in love with your pups and those little lamblings! Glad to have found you, check us out if you have a chance. http://www.arwenspack.blogspot.com/

  7. really great photos of the 3 of them together :)
    that ewe looks huge!!

  8. Great pictures!! It looks like they're all a little more comfortable with each other.

    Elyse and Riley

  9. What beautiful pictures os the three of them!!

    Congrats on your newest addition!

  10. Beautiful three musketeers!!!

  11. Hello! When I saw your little ewe, I thought Evelyn! For me it sounds as sweet as this qute lamb is! Or Noora; I had grey Collie Noora and this sweetie reaminds me her.
    Congratulation! You have so beautiful dogs and wonderful photos!
    We wish you lovely week! Teje and Nero

  12. I like the name Evelyn, it seems to suit the lamb's face quite well. Maybe Lily would work? Tilly and Lily...?

  13. Lots of great shots there. Love your little lamb : )
