23 February 2011

Little Grace and Georgia Update

Grace isn’t doing so good. I returned home from school to hear that my dad had made a bottle for her that morning, but she didn’t drink from it at all. And the ewes in the Sucking Station wouldn’t let her suckle either.

I got into my work clothes as soon as I could and headed to the lambing shed. I caught Suckie and put a halter on her, so I could restrain her.

Sometimes, if a lamb gets some milk from the mother, then the mother’s maternal instincts kick in and they accept the lamb. Grace suckled for a full fifteen minutes before she was full. I placed her back in the Sucking Station and let Suckie go again. She walked straight over to the fresh pile of silage in the corner of her pen – closely followed by little Georgia – seemingly unaware of her smaller daughter’s plight.

Georgia leaned in to suckle… and Suckie didn’t move.

That’s frustrating.

At least she’s looking after one.

Georgia is looking wonderful actually, and is almost twice the weight of her sister.

Once again tonight, I caught Suckie and brought Grace to her. This time, I noticed that she hardly drank at all. It was a complete refusal. She wouldn’t drink at all. Things are’t looking good for little Grace…

But one girl who loves her food is Pip. Here she is waiting for her supper:

What a good girl!

Fingers crossed for Grace tonight…


  1. Paws crossed here for Gracie, we hope she will decide to eat. TD and Ciara are like Pip - no problem with food at all. Now Mr. Picky Boy Phantom is a totally different story.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. When the mother refuses the lamb, and the surrogates refuse the lamb, could that mean they know something is wrong with her? You have to feel badly for little Gracie!


  3. Aww...our thoughts are with her.

    Pip is cute as always. :)

  4. My sister recently went through the same thing with one of her sheep, eventually everything worked out but she was so worried about the little one.
    I hope all goes well tonight.

  5. Paws crossed for the little one, hoping to hear good news in the morning.

  6. Oh! Such a little life! We are holding good thoughts for her!

  7. Poor Grace, this is so sad! I am hoping for a miracle for her.

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Hope Grace is strong and pull through this difficult time. She is in our thoughts!

  9. I am pulling for Gracie! It is very frustrating to see sadness in nature. My thoughts are with you.
