7 March 2011

For No Apparent Reason...

…The party continues!

06-03-11 (3)

I got this hat at my first birthday party last Friday… I had to keep a few to take photos of the dogs!

Ben was first up.
06-03-11 (4)

He did wonder what was on his head at first, but he soon forgot about it and went into posing mode.
06-03-11 (2)


06-03-11 (7)

06-03-11 (8)

His nose is so cute – I couldn’t resist!
06-03-11 (5)

By the end of our session, Ben was totally comfortable with the collar. Pip was an altogether different story…

What is this on my head..?
06-03-11 (11)

She really didn’t like it, but, like her brother, she soon got used to it as well.
06-03-11 (9)

06-03-11 (15)

Once I removed the hat, Pip went into posing mode.
06-03-11 (16)

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And just for that added element of torture…
06-03-11 (24)

Ha ha! I’m so EVIL!

Pip knows no evil. She’s too nice.
06-03-11 (25)

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Then it was time for my photo to be taken with Miss Little Pip.
06-03-11 (28)

Oh gosh. Don’t look at that…

Anyway, the weather outside was wonderful (if cold), so I took Pip and Sheila for a play outside.
06-03-11 (29)

What have you been eating Pip?!
06-03-11 (30)

Pip is a little submissive – can you tell?
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Pip did a lot of running.
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Break required.
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Sheila has caught her prey.
06-03-11 (41)

06-03-11 (42)

And finally, this massive jump from Sheila…
06-03-11 (44)

06-03-11 (45)

06-03-11 (46)

Pip didn’t know what hit her!


  1. My goodness Pip could be a poster dog for Canine Dentistry. She has bedazzling teeth.
    What great photos as usual.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Ben and Pip look so cute in their party hats. We just love those Pip ears with the hat on. And oh, her smiling pics are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing the one with you too - very nice, and we love putting a face with the "voice".

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  3. These pictures of Ben are hysterical. He doesn't look very happy! You always take the best pictures! We agree with the OP Pack, it is fun to see pictures of the humans once in awhile, too!

    Your pal, Pip

  4. great pics :)
    pip looks so startled next to that stuffy. like if she doesn't move, it wont see her lol

  5. The party hat photos are so cute and colorful.

    It is also nice to see a photo of you to know who you are as well. :)

  6. Hey everyone,
    Wow, you all seem to be having a great time over there across the pond. Happy belated bark day and many more to come. I loves da hats!
    Grr and a fun Woof,
    Sarge Cop

  7. Good dogs! to sit so still with a hat on. However, it does look as though Pip was smiling when the hat came off. Love the pictures! as usual!

  8. Such great pictures of dogs in hats! And SMILING dogs... totally jealous of all those smiling dog pictures. :)

  9. What a series of beautiful pictures of your beautiful dogs! They all look so happy and I think it's because they are happy to have you around with them.

  10. As ususal, great pictures. Ben looks like he did not like the hat at all. Pip is getting to be such a big, beautiful young lady/doggie. Thank you for sharing your photo as well. It is always so neat to put a face to a great blogger. Much happiness to you and yours.

  11. Very cute pictures! Your dogs are beautiful animals!

  12. So many great shots of cute characters :)
