9 August 2011

Machinery Man

While my Dad was spare-parts shopping, Ben was getting his photo taken...

On some big machinery.

It's only when you take your dog's photo next to something big that you realise how small they are.

Balers, a familiar sight.

These tractors are the wrong colour...

Ben's a master poser!


  1. Hey Ben!
    Wow, those are some really biiig rigs! Did you get to drive one?!? That'd be a super fun ride!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  2. Ben is such a good boy. We are John Deere people here so green is our colour!

  3. Love those photos! Especially the one with Ben in front of the tractor tire. Very cool!

  4. The last shot is a KEEPER ... very nice poser indeed!

  5. Love the shot of Ben up high! What a good boy!

  6. Your dog is a natural photogenic! Your machinery setting is a good concept, interesting pictures!
