...All is calm in the fields.
While there is still grass to enjoy, the bale of silage isn't gathering much a crowd. This time next month, however, things will probably be different. The ewes are enjoying an energy lick as well, to help them keep in good shape as the weather gradually cools.
These sheep are not at home, so they have to be checked on foot.
This is one of the new rams. All of the boys will be pulled out of their flocks at the end of this month.
This is the first year we'll have ewes with some Dorset in them. It'll be interesting to see how they do.
The sheep followed me down the lane, because I might have some food for them.
Sorry, girls. (And boys.)
The Land Rover was parked on the side of the road. Sheila watched intently.
A few minutes further down the road, and we checked on the second flock of ewes.
Norman is with this flock.
Oh dear. That looks like an empty feeder. They'll need silage in the morning.
Bye, ladies.
They are so adorable!