Nobby was born on the morning of Friday 22nd January 2016. By mid-afternoon it was clear his mother didn't want him, so we took it upon us to raise him ourselves.
But without his mummy Nobby was lonely - thankfully, I knew just the dog for the job. I put Ben into Nobby's pen. Nobby was nervous at first, but soon settled when Ben started licking his face. I stood and watched them for half an hour. Ben lay down, and to my delight, Nobby joined him, snuggled in close, and the pair soon fell asleep.
The first night of his life the as-yet-unnamed Nobby was spent in the kitchen. Just before bed, to stop him from crying, I placed him on my lap. He fell asleep to the ten o'clock news. I got up at 2 in the morning to feed him, but he wouldn't drink. He missed the company of Ben. I didn't try feeding him at night again and he never looked back.
With Ben's help Nobby thrived.
It was perhaps because of Ben's constant company that Nobby showed to fear of dogs at all - even Jess's intensity went right over his head.
A little over a week later, Fred came along (the little white bottom on the right). Jess didn't quite know what to do with the lamb that wouldn't run away.
Nobby's first walk out to the fields, freshly halter trained. It only took him one 10 minute lesson to get the hang of it.
Nobby was still oblivious to Collie Stares.
Wherever Nobby went, Fred was sure to follow.
Still playing games with Daddy Ben and Auntie Jess.
Nobby loved his Ben. It was shortly after this photo was taken that Ben passed away from cancer.
Life for Nobby carried on. He was fearless in the face of animals bigger than himself.
Come April, Nobby found he himself was the bigger animal as we were inundated with pet lambs. Here he is with a very young Millie.
His and Fred's first taste of grass...
...and Blue Belle's tail. Yummy.
Weaning off of their daily bottles of milk went down about as well as can be expected.
Nobby tried out a new headcollar.
Nobby found himself with four little ewes to look after. This is him with a tiny Honey:
Nobby and Fred both reached selling weight, but only Fred went. With Fred gone, Nobby embraced life as an outdoor lamb.
Before long he found himself bundled into by car's boot and taken out for his first adventure.
Nobby loved his first walk in the park, and so his adventures began...
The beach!
An old castle!
The beach again!
Nobby confused a lot of dogs on his days out.
And made lots of friends.
Going for so many walks meant lots of baths.
His last adventure was in the forest at sunset.
And if it had to end, I'm glad it ended like this - a beautiful walk with friends as the sun went down.
Nobby's little flock grew as they were joined by Suckie (hiding just behind Margo on the left).
But a failed castration meant that Nobby was getting more volatile to be around thanks to his hormones, and the tough decision was made to sell him.
He was ready to be sold back in June, but he enjoyed three extra months that no lambs like him would have usually gotten. He was the best pet lamb I ever had, and if I have one that is half as good as Nobby one day I'll be blessed.
I loved following his journey!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that his journey ended on such a beautiful note. It sounds like he was a very special friend to have.