A few weeks ago it snowed! It was very exciting. First thing in the morning the snow was so white and pretty.
After breakfast I went to check on my flock and give Blue Belle an apple. I found her in a very good mood!
Tasting snowflakes?
The sheep were a lot calmer about the whole thing.
For the lambs it was their first snow.
Blue Belle was off again...
The sheep just watched her go.
Morag had snow on her nose.
Rosie was taking shelter from the snow under the hedge.
The lambs knew instinctively to snuzzle through the snow to get to the grass underneath.
Eventually Blue Belle calmed down.
Rosie and Penny browsing.
Mabel and Morag.
Meanwhile Jess was running around with her toy - which is now lost in that field somewhere. Typical.
I trudged through the snow, up the hill towards the gate. I turned around to find that I was being followed.
Bob trying to eat Blue Belle's tail. Again.
Millie grazing as the snow blows around her.
That evening I took the dogs up the hill for an attempt at a family portrait in the snow. This is the best I could get.

There were snowballs everywhere.

The dogs loved running through them! (This photo is extra precious because Pip has been very poorly recently with very severe back pain, caused by arthritis in her spine, but now that she's on pain medication she's like a puppy again! She's retired from work and getting lots of hugs.)

Teddy face planted.

The snow was still lying the following day. I was out with my flock again. As usual Blue Belle came to greet me.

Jess being pretty.

The rest of them were near the bottom of the hill so we walked down to them. Teddy was very happy doing his staring.

Pip kept a safe distance.

All of the lambs had snowballs on their necks, but Morag is so small she had snowballs on her tummy too.


The flock - and a pony.

Jess posing.

The snow stuck around for a good few days. It was very festive!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas a day late! I’m so glad that dear Pip is feeling better. The pictures of Blue Belle are absolutely wonderful. I especially like the snowy landscape tinted an ethereal blue by the winter light.