It's this snow drift. I, being all of eight years old, wanted to wade through it. But Olive is very small and the snow is very deep.

I left her in Fly's capable paws as Lois, Pip and I wandered in.

Lois was right on my heels so I couldn't get a picture of her, while Pip was just sniffing around. Olive, meanwhile, had decided to come and join us. She jumped from one of my footprints to the other.

Defeated by the depth of the snow, Olive returned to Fly's side...

...only to return a moment later for a second, full-speed attempt!

She made it! And on our way back to join Fly, Olive went first to wait with her new friend.

Back on "dry land", Lois did a little exploring too. The ground looked like milk but didn't taste like it.

She said hello to Fly.

Little Olive was much more at home here.

She too discovered that while snow looks like milk, it doesn't quite taste the same.

Lois looked very pretty in the snow.

The snow has mostly melted now, save that snow huge drift and some bits here and there. So that was our first few days of spring!
Olive looks so proud of herself for making it through all that snow! Those facial expressions are adorable. Lois is gorgeous in the snow. I don't think I'd be able to stop taking pictures of them!