Well, once they have woken up, that is!

Jim and a friend.

Ah, here they come! (That's Andy on the right.)

I have since sold Andy, but he was always one of the first over for his breakfast.

This Mule lamb is easily identifiable by his huge horns.

More customers.

Fly watches from the quad.

I got another Zwartbles lamb - Sunny, first spotted here with his two sisters. He made friends with these two bigger tips.

The main flocks attended to, it's time to feed my pets. It's total chaos!

They get very excited.

Mmm, delicious!


Cilla and Bob.


Liz. (Note the dusty noses! Messy eaters, the lot of them.)



For future reference, the various colours of Bob's bottom! And look at those fluffy hips!

Penny under Nobby's Tree.


Flora making sure she has gotten every last flake.

And that's the breakfast routine.
Love seeing them all heading in to eat.