18 March 2019

Juliet and Her Friend Bea

There are currently three lambs in the kitchen - a touch and go tiny one and two bigger ones I have more confidence in. The two bigger ones are very close and real characters. Juliet the Suffolk cross has a special skill - she peeks over the rim of the tub she lives in and watches goings-on in the kitchen.

Today I managed to get them out for a brief explore and some pictures. Juliet had a bright pink snood.

And Penny's daughter Bea was nibbling grass in her baby pink snood.

Bea is noisy like her mum.

Juliet is blessed with massive ears.

While Juliet is stocky, Bea is tall and fine. She almost reminds me of a fawn.

Lambs start out so small and skinny, it's a miracle they grow so big.

I've gotten very attached to these lambs. They're such a cute pair.

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