Cilla is still nervous of me so she only comes so far...

Once everyone realises I'm not here to feed them, they just stand around. At least they don't leave straight away because that would be rude.

Wee Esther is especially clingy.

Lois and Olive have been chums since the start. They were born around a month earlier than the other pets from last year and lived together.

I adore my trio of Mules.

The size difference between Heather and Esther never fails to make me smile.

Some standing around.

As well as Penny, I was hoping to get lambs out of these three. Millie on the left aborted her lambs in January, Rosie in the middle doesn't seem to be lamb at all, and Cilla is currently in the shed with the other expectant mothers and is very round indeed.

I am especially disappointed about Rosie as losing her lamb last year broke her heart and I know we would both have been happy to see her running after a lamb or two this year.

Hello, Flora.

Staring at people while they eat is very rude, Lois.

The smallest and the biggest.

Cilla is the last of my ewes to lamb. Fingers crossed it goes well...

May the last lambs arrive safely.