A beauty of a boy - only what could be expected for Bob's nephew.
Victoria the Border Leicester.
Sunny's sister Belle.
Natalie also got a couple of foster lambs off me - including this Fronteira/Dorset/Texel mixture of a ewe lamb.
Their adoptive mother Merry.
A better look at Victoria's impressive ears.
Pretty Belle again!
Her sister Dahlia.
The sheep were relaxing in the hazy sunshine.
Bob's sister came over to meet Emma.
Cheeky Biscuit.
I can't get enough of these Zwartbles/Texels.
Hello there.
A cute Texel pair.
Tiny little pet lamb Thumbelina.
And her much larger friend Star.
They know where the milk is anyway.
I can never get enough of a big lamb, tiny lamb combo.
After a delicious lunch and a little chat in the house, I left Emma home and went to meet some of her claves. This one was less than a day old.
It was a good, sunny day for him to be out.
Mum was calling for him.
So he got up. However, when you're all legs and only a few hours old, this can take some effort. He got this far and had to take a break.
Up at last!
Holly the farm dog.
Vicky the farm lamb.
Bruce the farm silly. Like Sue, he's quite silly but super cute and fluffy.
Her son Magee.
The last time I met Marley he was just a tiny baby. He's getting so grown up already!
Got to keep the energy up!
I just loved meeting everyone's baby animals.
The baby animals are sooooo sweet. Happy Easter.