Soon it was walkies time.

We walked to the farmyard.

Basil said hello to his friends, the cows.

Patrick the bull.

There's a shed on the farm that houses some old cars - a place of temptation for the vintage car restorer.

There are a couple of tractors too.

There are plenty of tractors outside as well, although these are hard at work.

Basil loves exploring.

The view from the farmyard is very nice, but there's an even higher vantage point...

...on top of the mountain.

Here there is a three-sixty degree view of the surrounding countryside.

(And plenty of places for Basil to explore.)

We may not have walked up here...

A very pretty drive, though!

View fully absorbed and sniffs fully sniffed, we headed back to the Nissan to take us back to the yard.

As we went down, the farmyard came back into view.

I had a fun day visiting the family. The weather was very kind, and it was wonderful to meet Basil (and his bovine friends).

Another pretty corner of the world.

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