As the youngest member of the dog family, Sue came along too.

This was our first stop after I accidentally missed the first turn on the loop. Oops! The cows were friendly.

Their field has a spectacular view.

Back on the correct road, we met some sheep. I couldn't pass them so we followed them until they went up a farm lane (I hope it was their farm lane).

Sue was very interested!

Further on we stopped again for more pictures. Look at Sue's soft wee nose.

Another nice spot.

Further on again, we stopped, and this flock of sheep started yelling at me. They're obviously familiar with the sound of a Land Rover - their owner must come to feed them in one.

They have a nice view from their field too.

We stopped at Spelga, a surprisingly busy place. The traffic is always fast here.

Moving on past Spelga.

Now over halfway through the loop, things get no less spectacular.

I couldn't help but imagine having my pet sheep in a field like this!

Sue was loving the road trip.

One last stop before the Mourne Scenic Loop becomes the Mourne Coastal Route. There were some dairy calves in the field next to this car park but they didn't want their pictures taken.

And finally at Newcastle, the end of the loop.

What a enjoyable last drive to celebrate this iconic vehicle. I hope her new owner, whoever they may be, loves her as much as we did.
(And don't worry, the loop took us twice as much time as it should have because I pulled over for every picture - no photographing and driving for this careful road user!)
Sad letting go of a faithful friend, but a stunning farewell drive with Sue for company.
ReplyDeleteI bet she wanted to get out and explore and round up those sheep :)