Gertie, the youngest pet lamb, beautifully backlit.

Wee Minty, once the tiniest pet lamb (she's now caught up with the others).

A lamb who's maturing extra nicely is Lily. She's got an adorable little face and she's so friendly.

Rita is perhaps the pet lamb with the most dramatic transformation. She looks like a completely different sheep!

Rosie's surprise lamb, Barnaby, is the same size as Esther now.

Heather is always so pretty.

Penny's daughter Bea and her best friend Juliet.

Heather again, because why not?

When I arrived in the field Millie was lying here. She was looking very picturesque.

Flora was keeping her company.

One of my favourite pictures of Heather ever! I was so happy when I saw this on the back of the camera.

Little Esther.

Lily again with that cheeky face!

Esther's eyelashes are so impressive for such a tiny sheep.

Tilly remains hard to photograph because she doesn't stop following me.

And as I was leaving, Millie was still relaxing. It was a very comfortable spot.
