The dogs take it in turns to help, and this morning it was Teddy's go. The girls all jump off the quad to keep the sheep back but Teddy is getting a bit stiff these days and just sits and stares down at the sheep instead.

The sun was just coming up as we fed the ewe lambs.

Teddy, as expected, stared at them.

My clicking camera was enough to discourage the young ladies from coming too close. (They can get very excited at breakfast time!)

The pet lambs were looking good. I just tend to look through the gate at them because they chase the quad around and if I opened the gate to drive in or out the rascals would escape.

We drove past the ewe lambs again on our way to the gate.

On then to the boys. They are much cheekier than the girls and even the clicking camera didn't discourage them much.

The lambs are joined by four breeding tips including our new Suffolk lamb. Their romantic getaway with the ladies is over and they are convalescing at home.

After a delicious dinner cooked by yours truly, my dad and I went to cuddle some sheep. This is a regular activity during the summer but in winter it's usually either raining or very cold to stay too long.

As it was Christmas Day, I tried to inject some festive fun into cuddles. It didn't work.

Hatless cuddles resumed.

Bridget comes close but no cuddles yet. Maybe one day she'll be quiet enough.

Lovely Gertie, the youngest lamb here.

Bea, Bridget's sister.

Gertie felt like posing.

Tilly just loves attention.

Rita is usually quite aloof but on Christmas Day she was feeling very curious about us.

After that we went back inside and stayed there. It was a lovely, quiet Christmas.
It looks like a beautiful day.