Here we have Caldwell, Morag's tip lamb, sporting a rather fetching mint green number.

Caldwell's sister Connie looks great in pink.

And the trio was rounded off by Edith in soothing lemon yellow.

The first dash was over to gate to say hello to the pets.

Handsome little Caldwell. It's a shame he has taken on his mother's personality of everything is scary I must run away.

The gang off again!

Pretty Edith catching the sunlight.

First nibbles of grass.

A lot of standing around too.

Oh, man, if I had to pick a favourite...

The twins. While Caldwell took after his mum, Connie is very like her dad, the quiet Texel.

Showing off for Blue Belle.

Connie and Caldwell are just so cute!

Lovely Edith.



Just look how fluffy Edith's ears are!

Time to go back into the shed and get the kettle on - it's milk time!

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