Fly meanwhile, having not been brought up with a camera in her face most days, still has some practising to do. She's easily distracted. I don't mind this too much, however, as it makes for a different photo than just having dogs staring me down all the time!

She doesn't always look away! (That tail just won't stop wagging.)

So she doesn't always stay, she doesn't always look at the camera, she always wags her tail and to add to the collection of oddities - she often rolls over.

Some decent staying here.

A photo of the pair of them! This is why I took so many pictures of Fly on her own first - to practise. Teddy is an old pro.

Such an old pro in fact that when Fly decided to roll again, Teddy looked down at her in disgust and shuffled away a little! Straight back to posing, though!

On our way back to the yard we passed the pets and of course I had to take a few photos. Millie was first over.

Penny and Carol.

Heather and Charles in the foreground, Rosie and her lambs Clover and Clementine in the background.

Windswept Esther.

In the yard the light had gone from gold to blue - what photographers call Blue Hour.

By the time Fly was posing again the light had taken on a pinkish hue.

Good girl, Fly! (And Ted, of course!)
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