Luna, Nova's daughter.

Violet's Mum, a lovely Mule, and her twins.

There was soon a queue to get climbing on Violet's Mum's back. I haven't watched this before, where a ewe allows lambs that are not her own to play on her back, but this ewe didn't mind a bit.

As quickly as the playful lambs had gathered, they wandered off. Violet's Mum (she really needs a proper name) was left to relax with her daughter.

Very early on in the lambing we had our first set of quads in many years. This is black ewe lamb from that family. She was adopted onto another ewe who had lost her lamb. She looks very well fed and happy.

Luna had a single lamb this year. It was her first attempt and she wasn't interested in being a mummy but a few days in an adoption crate sorted that out. Now she adores this little man.

He was so small we were able to adopt an orphaned ewe lamb onto Luna as well.

There's Luna's boy again.

A rare glimpse of Oreo! She is an expert at avoiding getting her picture taken. Beside her is her ewe lamb, Crumbs.

Violet's Mum's lambs. The boy:

The girl:

Some more cuties.

And there's Luna again!

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