I'm continuing my series of posts that will hopefully get me caught up with myself, and this time it's February. Poppy and I got the month off to a fun start when we went for a walk through the dunes. Poppy enjoyed the long walk through the dunes.

Our reward was a very dramatic looking beach that was very windy indeed.

Poppy had been to a beach before, but not near the waves and certainly not with me wading into the sea in my wellies. I suppose, if you look at it from Poppy's perspective, this giant puddle was very angry and chasing her!

I thought her 50% Golden Retriever DNA would have made her more interested in the water to be honest.

She instead spent some time staying safely at the far end of the lead while I paddled along the shore.

The clouds and waves were very dramatic. Absolutely gorgeous.

Poppy posing on some driftwood (note distance from scary sea).

Meanwhile, in the lambing shed, Grace somehow managed to get her own poo on her head. Tilly also proved without a doubt that she grew up with a camera regularly shoved in her face and posed for a selfie.

A few days later, Tilly and Grace went outside. It was a strange new world for Grace, but at least a rain shower or two sorted out that unfortunate poo situation.

And a few days after that, Primrose gave birth outside to a set of lovely twins, Gavin and Gabby.

Gavin has a spot on his nose.

I visited some lambs, then returned to Primrose and her babies. For a first time mother she was perfect. Very fussy about her children.

It was clear that Astrid was not going to be having any lambs (at least this year), but there were a few hundred more ewes due in March. They were still outside munching away on silage at this time.

It wasn't long before Primrose was out in her field again, this time with the twins along too.

Grace was a bit bigger, but I was glad to see that she had some friends to play with.

Gavin and Gabby on the wall.


Towards the end of February, I managed to find the time to drive down to Bannon's Land. There was a special guest. This was a guest who'd been living there for four or five months at this point, so maybe "resident" would be the right word.

Yes, I was there for the chicken, but I couldn't resist the pretty young hoggets.

The sheep seemed gently curious about the chicken.

Hello, ladies.

The chicken disappeared a few weeks after these were taken. We haven't seen it since. Maybe the mystery chicken will return one day. We'll hope...
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