Now and again, when myself and my chosen assistant for the day go and check the sheep or pop to the shops, we call in at a local coffee van, Primal Effect Coffee. It's a nice treat for both of us. Poppy always gets excited when we come here - the puppuccinos are second to none!
While we were waiting for our coffee today, I had a wee photoshoot with her. The summer decorations around the van are just lovely and the sun was shining (for once).

Those flowers!

There were lots of interesting sounds going on around Poppy, but she posed like a professional - which, I suppose, she sort of is!

We were also delighted to meet Poppy - another one! This one is a Labrador/Border Collie cross. She was very sweet.

Puppuccino time!

Always popular, as you can see. (I had a coffee too, but it was far too delicious to stop and take a photo of.)
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