I never get tired of taking the camera out on beautiful evenings. I often end up in this same field, spending some time with my dear pet sheep. It was early autumn when I took these.

The sugar content of the grass went down, so Blue Belle spent a few weeks in with the pets. She had a lovely time.

Except for her big fan! Greta, for reasons best known to herself, was obsessed with Blue Belle. I often admire Blue Belle's patience with the sheep, but Greta just kept sniffing her face while she was trying to eat! I don't blame her for getting a bit annoyed.

Greta, completely unfazed, went right back her staring.

The other lambs weren't as interested.


Rosie, with a blurry Millie in the background. My two oldest pets, back from when I started my pet flock in 2016.


Valerie and Nora.


Petal and Nora.



Greta still sticking with Blue Belle.


Nora wondering what Greta finds so interesting about this strange sheep...

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