When I'm walking the dogs, I just pick a field and walk around it. This field gives me a good view of the pet sheep next door. Sometimes they even climb onto the old, fallen wall to get a stroke. On this evening, however, they were happy to pose for me. The four ewes who'd spent their August and September with Dale the tip were back. Blue Belle was also in the field for her final binge of grass before moving to her winter field.

I think my lambs a growing well and getting big, and then I see them next to the likes of Astrid, who's approaching two years old now. The wee ones still have a ways to go.

They're a happy bunch of lambs, though.

There's Petal now.

Not that I have favourites, but look at how cute wee Greta is.

It was time to keep walking the dogs, but fun to see the kids.

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