Poor Fly started losing a lot of weight and having runny poos all the time. Off to the vet we went. She was checked over, had bloods taken, had an ultrasound, and there was something odd about her womb. An infection was suspected, so we were sent home with antibiotics over the weekend so we could get her checked again on Monday. Her mood improved over the weekend, and so on Monday she was declared well enough to be spayed/have some exploratory surgery. Her intestines were badly inflamed, so medication was swapped again. As she recovered, Fly was to wear The Cone of Shame.

Fly was a very good sport about the whole thing, standing patiently for the few ultrasounds she ended up having. She also never lost heart, always friendly, and ate her tablets wrapped in ham with great enthusiasm.

She was also to rest up while she got over her surgery. She loved getting to wander around the yard occasionally.

We were all worried about Fly, but she seems to be doing better now. She has put on a little weight, is still eating. The wound is healing well, The Cone of Shame removed. She finished her course of antibiotics on Christmas Eve, so now we're just waiting to see how she does without them.

Hopefully she'll be back to rounding up sheep soon.
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