1 January 2025

Not Going Out

I was due to meet up with a friend for dinner, but she had to cancel, which left me with a free evening. Daylight was fading fast (not that there was much of it to begin with), so I collected my camera and waterproof trousers and went to visit the ewes at Ballyhafry instead.

I took some photos of the sheep by the feeder.


Even though I was keeping my distance and using a zoom lens, the ewes were cautious.


Clementine (the black sheep) with a few friends.



The sheep then startled - either it was my standing up, or the popping of my knees as I did so. I followed them at a distance. Looking over the wall into the next field, I could see Daisy.

And in the field was Gertie (brown face with grey nose, centre).

And here's Martha.


Sooty is remaining elusive, but I managed to get this picture of him. Still a very handsome young man.

Some more sheepy faces.

And there, in the crowd, was Hazel.
Daisy doing her most majestic posing.
Hazel again.
The light was almost completely gone, so I returned to the Land Cruiser and Susan, who was waiting for me with great patience and understanding.
(We did go and get a hot chocolate and a puppuccino after this, so all was well in the end.)

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